Thursday, December 10, 2009

Remembering Heather and Kira

Thank you so much to all who came out last night and showed your love and support. It is hard to believe it had been 3 years since we lost our Sweet Precious Girls from this earth!
But I am so glad that Gainesville Police Department is not giving up on them or on solving this case.Last night their was coverage brought back to the community about Heather and Kira's case. You can find it onTV20. To watch the video click on the link.

If anyone has any information regarding their case from December 9, 2006 no matter how small you think it might be PLEASE contact Patty Nixon at the Gainesville Police Department. 352-334-2483. I honestly believe with all my heart that this case WILL BE SOLVED. We just need to do our part!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Question for You?

I have a question for you. Next Wednesday will be 3 years since we lost Heather and Kira unexpectedly. If we hold a Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony, would you be able to attend? Please respond a.s.a.p. This would be an opportunity to light a candle in honor and remembrance of anyone lost to a violent crime.