Thursday, September 10, 2009

In Loving Memory of Bob Radcliffe

Bob and Layla after a dance recital at Cold Stone
I first met Bob in 1997 when Heather and I became friends. He and Irene(his wife at that time) opened their home and their hearts to me. There were many fond memories shared at the Condo at St. Augustine. Throughout the years our families have grown closer. When Kira was born I was there and so was Bob(he was in the O.R. when Kira was born).

And we always shared fun family gatherings..Kira's baptism, birthdays, graduation, etc. We also shared sorrows..when Irene died and then when we lost Heather and Kira. After that Bob and our family became even closer and shared a special connection. We worked together to make the Gazebo a reality and thank God he was alive to be able to see the dedication and outpouring from the community!

He will be missed but I believe he is with his girls now and what a joyous reunion that must be. Though we will not see each other here again on this earth I look forward to the day we will all be reunited and I thank him for the memories and friendship.

So, rest in peace: Bob/Papa Bob.

1 comment:

  1. I grew basically grew up with Heather from about the time we were 15, I think she was able to drive a little bit before me, but I do remember when we met we became instant friends. We ended up parting ways for one reason or another in our mid-twenties but to this day I still remember her. Which is what brings me here today, I was just searching on Facebook and MySpace seeing if I could reunite with a long lost friend and I couldn't find her. Remembering her as a social butterfly I could see no reason for this. So I Googled her. And now I know. I send my deepest condolences to the family of Heather and Kira and I hope as the years pass you are able to smile about her memory rather than a tear coming to your eye. When something tragic like this happens everyone deals with it in their own way and I suppose this might be one of mine. To all that knew Heather please remember her for being a wonderful human being no matter what point of her life you remember her from. She was always the brightest light in any room and I will miss her dearly.
    My deepest condolences,
    Eric Thomas
